Sing the Songs of Zion: Beauty & Exile

By the waters of Babylon, there we sat down and wept, when we remembered Zion.
On the willows there we hung up our lyres.
For there our captors required of us songs,
and our tormentors, mirth, saying, “Sing us one of the songs of Zion!”

- Psalm 137:1-3

Our theme this October will center around the singing the songs of Zion and particularly the intersection of beauty and exile. Exile is a major Biblical theme throughout the Bible and we may do well to consider how the New Testament identification of God’s people being exiles can inform and enrich our worship and music. Topics this fall will include topics like Leading Zion's Songs in the Midst of Grief, AI & the Cultural Mandate, Using the Psalms in Liturgy, Trauma and New Creation, Exile and an Apocalyptic Aesthetic, Preaching Before the Lord as a Lead-Worshipper, Music and Loneliness, and A Forum on Inter-Generational Worship.

2023 Schedule

Thursday, October 12

8:00am | Registration Opens

9:00am | Worship Service: Psalm 137 (Rev. Elliott Cherry)

10:30am | Content Block A

  • Glorious Things of Thee Are Spoken (Tim LeCroy & Kevin Twit)

  • Performance by the Nashville Chamber Music Society

  • Exile and an Apocalyptic Aesthetic (Bruce Benedict &

    Jonathan Gabhart

  • Every Moment Holy (a Conversation with Douglas McKelvey & Ned Bustard)

12:30pm | Lunch Break

2:30pm | Content Block B

  • The Scripture Hymnal (Randall Goodgame)

  • Beauty & Exile (a conversation with David Kim and Makoto Fujimura)

4:00pm | Evensong: Psalm 126 (Dr. Ligon Duncan)

5:30pm | Special preview of My Bright Abyss: Paintings & Prints Exhibition opening reception with Makoto Fujimura

7:30pm | Conference Dinner (held at Edley’s BBQ, Sylvan Park)

Friday, October 13

9:00am | Worship Service: Psalm 146 (Dr. Thurman Williams)

10:30am | Content Block C

  • Trauma & New Creation (a conversation with Makoto and Haejin Fujimura)

  • Worshipful Preaching (Dr. Thurman Williams)

  • Worshipful Pastoring (Zac Hicks)

  • Peformance by Jason Terry & Angela Yoon

  • Using the Psalms in Liturgy (Rachel Wilhelm)

  • Longevity in Ministry (a Conversation with Dr. Ligon Duncan and Dr. Scotty Smith

12:30pm | Lunch Break

2:30pm | Steuart Pincombe in Concert: Bach Cello Suites

2:30pm | Content Block D: Panel Discussions

  • In Every Generation: A Forum on Inter-Generational Worship (Dr. Steve Guthrie)

  • We Hung Up Our Guitars: Leading Zion's Songs in the Midst of Grief (Dr. Tim LeCroy)

  • Deconstruction (Russ Ramsey)

  • Music and Loneliness (Dr. Steve Guthrie)

  • AI & the Cultural Mandate (Dr. David Kim)

  • Why Right Brainers Will Rule the Future (J Marty Cope)

5:00pm | Dinner Break

7:30pm | Concert & Live Recording by Anchor Hymns (Registrants receive a free ticket. Tickets are also available to the public)

Saturday, October 14

10:00am – 12:00pm | Bluegrass Brunch (Hosted by The Village Chapel; catered by Ladybird Taco)